The Fourth Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSSP4) is a guiding document that outlines the national strategic directions of Rwanda to improve the health standards of Rwandans for the coming seven years, July 2018-June 2024.
The HSSP4 builds on lessons learned and progress made from the implementation of Rwanda Health Sector Strategic Plan 2013-2018 (HSSPIII) and is fully aligned with Vision 2050, the National Strategy for Transformation 2018-2019 as well as the Health Sector Policy 2015. It adheres to the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) principles towards the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The HSSP4 reflects a comprehensive analysis of the health sector progress and is developed through a consultative process involving all stakeholders.
The 4x4 Reform
The Ministry of Health Rwanda (MoH) has embarked on the implementation of the 4x4 reform – the Government’s initiative to quadruple the production of the current healthcare workers in Rwanda.
To supplement the HSSP4, six sub-strategies have been designed to address specific areas of the health sector.
- The National Plan of Action for Eye Health (NPAEH) 2018-2024
- The National Surgical, Obstetrics, and Anesthesia Plan 2018-2024
- The National Ear and Hearing Care Plan 2018-2024
- The Health Financing Strategic Plan 2018-2024
- The Rwanda’s Emergency Medical Services Strategic Plan 2018-2024
Additional Strategies
- 10- Year Government Program: National Strategy for Health Professions Development 2020-2030
- National Strategy and Costed Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in Rwanda JULY 2020 - JUNE 2025
- Rwanda National Cancer Control Plan 2020-2024
- Rwanda Malaria Strategic Plan 2020-2024
- National Oral Health Strategic Plan 2019-2024
- Business Case for Investment in Family Planning in Rwanda April 2019
- National Family Planning and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (FP/ASRH) Strategic Plan 2018–2024
- National Strategic Plan for Eye Health 2018-2024
- National Pharmaceutical Sector Strategic Plan (NPS-SP) 2018-2024
- Maternal Newborn and Child Health Strategic Plan 2018–2024
- The National Health Research Agenda 2014-2018
- National Community Health Strategic Plans. July 2013-June 2018
- Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan 2011-2016