CAN, LIN, and FlexRay: Decoding the Mysteries of Vehicle Communication

Modern automobile systems rely heavily on vehicle communication technologies to facilitate flawless information sharing and cooperative operation amongst the many electronic parts and systems.

It is becoming more and more important to comprehend the underlying communication protocols as the automobile industry moves toward connected and intelligent vehicles.

FlexRay, Controller Area Network (CAN), and Local Interconnect Network (LIN) are three of the most often used vehicle communication technological solutions.

The purpose of this study is to shed light on these technologies by examining their background, characteristics, uses, relative benefits, and drawbacks.

In addition to obtaining insight into upcoming trends and developing technologies that will further impact the automotive landscape, exploring the worlds of FlexRay, CAN, and LIN will help us better understand the complex network of communication systems that underpin the operation of current autos.

Controller Area Network (CAN bus)Logic Fruit Technologies

A vehicle bus standard called the Controller Area Network (CAN bus) was created to let microcontrollers and other devices talk to each other’s applications without the need for a host computer.

It’s a message-based protocol that was first created to multiplex electrical wiring in cars in order to save copper usage, but it may also be applied in a variety of other situations.

Each device broadcasts data in a frame serially, but in a way that allows the highest priority device to continue transmission while the others back off if multiple devices are transmitting simultaneously. All devices, including the transmitting device, get frames.

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Controller Area Network (CAN) History

In 1985, Bosch created the first version of CAN for use in car networks. Automotive manufacturers used point-to-point wiring systems in the past to link electronic gadgets in their automobiles.

Manufacturers started putting more and more electronics in cars, which led to the creation of large, pricey wire harnesses.

Then, in-vehicle networks took the place of dedicated wiring, lowering the weight, complexity, and expense of the cabling. The industry standard in-vehicle network is now CAN, a high-integrity serial bus technology for networking intelligent equipment.

CAN was swiftly embraced by the automobile sector and, in 1993, it was recognized as a worldwide standard by ISO 11898. A number of higher-level CAN protocols, including CANopen and DeviceNet, have been standardized since 1994.

These extra protocols have been widely embraced by other businesses and have become industry standards for industrial communications.

In the 2000s, The CAN bus expanded its growth more on the Automotive Industry and beyond to various industrial applications.

CAN with the new technology of FD ( Flexible Data-Rate) was introduced around 2011, and it is said to be an extension of the CAN bus protocol which offers higher data rates and maximum payload sizes.

Bosch released CAN FD 1.0 in 2012, which has the specification of using different frames which allows a various data length and also switching to a faster bit rate after the arbitration which is decided.

CAN FD is compatible with existing CAN 2.0 networks so new CAN FD devices can coexist on the same network with existing CAN devices.

As of 2018, Bosch was active in extending CAN standards. New CAN FD devices can live on the same network as current CAN devices because CAN FD is compatible with CAN 2.0 networks already in place. Bosch was actively involved in CAN standard extensions as of 2018.

Controller Area Network (CAN) Applications

Benefits of CAN bus

Low-cost, Lightweight Network

Broadcast Communication


Error Capabilities

Local Interconnect Network (LIN)

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The vehicle’s components communicate with one another via the LIN Bus, which is an acronym for Local Interconnect Network (LIN). It is sometimes referred to as a CAN Bus supplement.

LIN protocol is significantly more affordable than CAN Bus. But compared to CAN Bus, it performs worse and is less dependable.

Because implementing CAN Bus for every component in the vehicle would have been prohibitively expensive, LIN Bus was created. As an alternative, LIN Bus was made available to address this issue and has been a complete success.

Within the network of an automobile, the low-cost serial communications protocol known as the LIN bus efficiently facilitates remote applications.

While it is equally suitable for industrial applications, its primary purpose is to support mechatronic nodes in dispersed automotive applications.

It is meant to be used in conjunction with the current CAN network to create hierarchical networks within automobiles.

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LIN History:

The LIN Consortium, which included Motorola, BMW, VW, Audi, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Volcano Automotive, and others, released LIN 1.0 in 1999.

Later in 2000, the LIN protocol was updated with the release of LIN 1.1 and 1.2. In 2003, LIN 2.0 was released, bringing significant enhancements that were extensively adopted.

In 2006, the LIN 2.1 standard was released. Following the release of LIN 2.2A later in 2010, which is currently the version that is most extensively used, CAN in Automation standardized LIN in 2016 (ISO 17987:2016).

LIN Bus Applications:

The majority of contemporary cars have twelve or more LIN nodes. They are employed in applications where there is less need for fast data transmission and when a large number of tasks are done digitally.

Common uses consist of:

Benefits of LIN Buses

The Local Interconnect Network (LIN) bus protocol is majorly used in automotive industries, which offers various advantages that make it a preferred choice in the specific domain. Below are some of the key advantages that make the LIN bus the most popular choice for the automotive system.

Cost-Effective Solution:

Simplified Wiring:

Low Power Consumption:

Real-Time Communication:


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The FlexRay Consortium created the FlexRay automotive network communications protocol to control on-board vehicle computing.

Though more costly than CAN and TTP, it is intended to be quicker and more dependable. 2009 saw the dissolution of the FlexRay consortium, however, ISO 17458-1 through 17458-5, the FlexRay standards, are still in use today.

FlexRay is a time-cycle-based communication bus that is divided into static and dynamic segments for event-triggered and time-triggered communications. Its goal is to provide high data speeds and fault tolerance.

History of FlexRay:

The goal of the FlexRay protocol was to provide a standardized networking communication protocol that was quicker and more deterministic. The team from the FlexRay collaboration built the first prototype back in 1999.

The initial protocol was restricted to the SAE group and released later in 2004 for application use. However, as of right present, ISO17458-5 through ISO174518-1 include it in their standards. The BMW X5 E70 cars were the first to adopt this protocol in 2006.

However, a new BMW-7 series known as the F01 marked the beginning of the actual deployment and execution of the FlexRay protocol in 2008.

Applications of FlexRay:

Benefits of FlexRay

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FlexRay offers several benefits over other communication protocols. Some of these benefits include:

High-speed communication:

Redundancy and fault tolerance:




To summarize, the automotive sector uses three main protocols for communication: FlexRay, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), and Controller Area Network (CAN).

As the foundation for the majority of in-car communications, CAN offers different electronic control units a dependable and affordable option.

For non-critical systems, LIN is a more affordable and straightforward option. On the other hand, FlexRay is a high-performance protocol that is frequently seen in autonomous cars and sophisticated driver assistance systems.

It is made for applications that require exact timing and fault tolerance. In order to optimize car communication systems as automotive technology develops, engineers and designers must have a thorough understanding of the benefits and uses of various protocols.