Mine is the first, largest, and only searchable database of doctrinal mastery games anywhere! You will find Zoom games and games for in-person Seminary here!
Results will appear below as you make selections from the categories.
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From Jonna C - Print these cards on one side of a sheet of cardstock, so that the answers can't be seen through the back of the cards.
1- Set up your classroom with enough small tables (classroom tables work great), and 3-4 chairs at each table, to divide your class into teams. Teams don't need to be even. When your class arrives they sit with their scriptures at one of the tables making up each team. Each team will need a white board, marker and eraser (or some way to record their answers). Teams are labeled ""Table 1"", ""Table 2"", and so forth. You can remove all extra chairs. If you have late-comers you can either leave a couple empty chairs at the tables, or have them grab a chair to add to a table when they come.
2- At the front of the room have a small table holding a stack of cards (face down) for each team, with a corresponding number indicating which stack belongs to which table. Make sure to leave enough space between the labels for the cards to be placed beside eath other. Also, create a scoreboard at the front of the room.
3- Give a clue (DM clue, or an assessment review question, etc. depending on the objective of your game). Give teams 45 seconds to a minute to write an answer down as a team. (If reviewing DM, have them record their answer all open to that scripture).
4- On your cue, all teams reveal their answers at the same time. If a team answers correctly, one member of the team comes and grabs a card from their stack at the front of the room.
5- Here's where the fun happens. Each team must follow the directions on the card they draw:
a) +1, +3, +4 simply add these points to the table's points total on the scoreboard up front
b) +5 must sing the song to earn the points. If they refuse, that table loses 5 points (loved this one)
c) -2 simply subtract these points from the table's points on the scoreboard
d) Move Cards are just that, everyone mentioned (boys, girls, or everyone) at ALL tables needs to move, with their scriptures, to a different table. This is the most fun because points stay with the table, so everyone will try to all get to, and if necessary bump someone from, the table with the most points.
*NOTE: For step 4, if the teacher reveals the point cards for each team that got the answer right (rather than a player grabbing one), actions take place in the order the teacher draws them. and the teacher randomizes the order of revealing the cards each time (table 2, 1 ,4 then 3, or table 3, 4, 1, then 2, etc). Advantage - everyone sees what everyone got, and the Move Cards happen in the order drawn.
**We played that each team with the correct answer came and drew their card, and posted their own points simultaneously. If they had an action card (for 5 points) they announced it and sang (and we had a good laugh!). If multiple Move Cards were drawn, we had them wait for any action cards and singing that had to be done, then we had them move in number order. (i.e. Table 2 drew a 'Boys Move' and Table 4 drew an 'Everyone Move' card, 'boys moved' first for Table 2's card, then we did an 'everyone move' for table 4's card) This only happened once or twice, so it wasn't a problem. Advantage - moved along faster so we could get in more playtime and more clues. Take your pick of drawing the card for them, or having them do it themselves.
When class time is over, those sitting at the table with the most points are declared the winner.
There are 5 sets of cards below - each in a different color for ease of sorting late (black, purple, blue, green, and red. Best if printed on cardstock. Print only the number of sets you need. ENJOY! ! "
Brandon C shared his Doctrinal Mastery Case Studies, saying I've been working on some doctrinal mastery resources over Christmas break. My students really enjoy case studies, so I created a case study to go with each of the doctrinal mastery verses we cover this semester. I intentional used a casual tone to make it feel more authentic, but the topics are pretty intense. Feel free to use them if you'd like!
Q - Thank you very much for sharing this! Would you mind sharing how you use the case studies in class? Role play? A discussion about what you would say? What have you found to be effective?
A - I typically just announce we're going to do a case study, then read it to them. Then I have them respond without taking any time to think. Most of the cases are designed to create cognitive dissonance, so regardless of how they respond I challenge them on what they've said. Then, once they're intrigued, I ask them to go find a doctrinal mastery passage that will help resolve the question. The best part is that they typically find two or three to resolve it despite the fact that I only intended it to be used for one. The basic concept behind case studies is that you have to help students get a question before you can help them find an answer. I use the cases at the beginning to spark a little desire in them.
Q - So what is the reference you assigned to the case study? Is that in case they don’t come up with something on their own so you can direct them a bit?
A - I always have an ideal verse in mind. The kids almost always get to it, but if they don’t I show them. The verse next to it is the ideal verse in my mind.
Following is a list of quick Zoom game ideas from the Seminary Teacher Facebook Group:
From Theresa C - I wrote Ten question polls and give a different one each morning sharing the poll at the end and review giving the correct answer - this way there is no shame as no one knows who gave incorrect answers - takes 5-8 mins each morning
From Laurel F - I made this PlayFactile game for my seminary kids. It is flashcards AND a jeopardy game.
From Sherrie M - Have you heard of the game/activity ‘ I have, who has? It’s a great review but is better if the students know somewhat their DM’s. (I made cards originally) In a Zoom class setting you could have them use Doc core Mastery key phrases on gospel app. Each student chooses one scripture noting the reference as well. Then a reference (only the reference) for an additional scripture BOM). All 25 should be used to work best but you could tweak it to fit any size class. As the teacher you start by saying who has . ”The Savior can make weak things strong”? Then the student that chose that scripture says . ” I have Ether 12:27. Who has “Build your foundation on Christ”? And the person who chose Helaman 5:12 would say I have Helaman 5:12 who has. and so forth. The original cards had only the key phrase of one scripture and only the reference of the pass on scripture. You could start out with them noting the key phrase along with its reference and eventually use only the key phrase and the reference of the pass along scripture.
From Meesa A - This weekend we are having our kids find a DM that means something to them and then find a Gen Conf talks that goes more in depth on that verse or topic. Or vice versa. if there is a talk they really love, find a DM that parallels it. Then on Monday we will go around the "room" and share. We are actually going to post the links to the talks on an online board called a padlet. It's an interactive board. Then once we have the board filled up, it's something we can always go to if we want to look at those talks again, or even continue to add to it.
From Kristin I - We did pictionary- it was fun!
From Paula A - We've been doing scenarios (real life situations) and how they could respond with a DM
From Jeanetta M - We texted each other and shared our favorite and why.
From Klixi C - Cash cab! Template online, can watch on Hulu for ideas.
Links to Cash Cab files
From Kassy G - Whisper challenge!! Jimmy Fallon tonight show game. Secretly give someone a DM and then mute them. They say the DM phrase or whatever and everyone else has to guess what they are saying!
From Traci S - Scattergories. Did it last night. They had to read the core doctrine for #ASK and then using the word SEMINARY, they had to come up with a sentence starting with S, then E, then M, etc. from the core doc. Key is to come up with a sentence that no one else uses.
From Tobreth H - I did the scavenger hunt idea. Someone wrote about doing it in a classroom with backpacks. Works great remotely.
[To play this game] the kids have a cheat sheet at home. The folding one we get from S&I. Before we used to do key phrases, but we had only introduced part of them. I give a key phrase and they find the scripture. I let them use the folding thing. In fact I delivered it to make sure everyone had it. Then they have to find it IN PAPER SCRIPTURES. They show it on the screen. They read it. They get a point. Then they pick a # from 1-50 and I read that item and they have to find it. I remove that number after that. They are things like a paper clip, hair scrunchi, show, high lighter, etc. whoever shows that on the screen first gets a point. So each verse has two point possibilities.
But some were: a pen, a shoe, a shoelace, paperclip, book, hairbrush, nickel, calculator, chapstick, things you would find in a backpack.
From Terri F - Today I did a DM home scavenger hunt. I assigned students to groups. Each group had a short list of DM scriptures to read over together. I placed them into breakout rooms so they could read and discuss their scriptures. They only had to choose 2 or 3 scriptures out of the 5 on their lists. This gave them options and more control over their activity. However, it got every child involved in reading all 5 verses intently because they knew they were searching for "the best ones" that they could collect items to represent. The students were to find items from around their homes to represent a part, a word, or an action from the scriptures. For instance, "Feast upon the word" the group got a fork and knife and a spatula. For strength and power they got a hand weight and a chain saw from the garage . For Adam fell, they got a lego man and threw him off the table haha! and for joy, one student showed his track shoes and talked about how running brought him joy. After 15 minutes uin the breakout rooms with me popping back and forth to mo it them, we all met back together to share. Each group took turns. They read the 1st scripture they had chosen, told what it meant to them and then shared their scavenger hunt items. It went GREAT! The kids had fun and really analyzed/pondered at least 5, if not more, DM scriptures today.
I had 4 or 5 [students] per group. However, you could really tailor the size of the group to your students. Really clever and engaged students could even do it as partners.
Morgan W - I sent each student a DM verse in chat, privately. Then they had to find an item in the house to represent it. The other students guessed what their verse was. My favorite was a freshman who wrote MORMON on a piece of paper and threw it in her pool.
I asked my kids to make memes for the verses and I’m going to try and use those in zoom. Just assigned yesterday so we will see how it works.
One teacher had the students text her the memes, so she shared them from her phone, saying "when you use screen share it pops up with several options. whiteboard, desktop, chrome, etc. it also has iPhone.If you plug your charger to your computer it will “mirror screen” your phone!"
Jeopardy is a fantastic game for seminary! I've used it to review material, train new students how to use the scripture study helps, and review doctrinal mastery. You can make your own games using some of these free online templates:
From Laura T - We discovered this morning that the online Jeopardy works really well!! We positioned the class into gallery mode at the top of the Zoom screen then had them post a reaction in place of buzzing in to respond. They used the clapping hands emoji as it's a little bigger and easier to see than the "raise a hand" function. The kids practiced doing it a few times before we started the game. It worked really well! Just thought I would pass on this little tip as I know we are all working hard to adapt to the online platform!
Following is a list of escape room game ideas from the Seminary Teacher Facebook Group:
Our stake (3 seminary classes) combined this morning to do this activity so now its time for results feedback for those interested in knowing how it went. We had about 40 kids so we had 4 rooms running at once. By time we got done with opening exercises the kids had 25 mins to "escape the room". One group finished in about 15 mins but another group worked right til the very end with help from the host. All of the groups started with the puzzle so I suggest hiding the pieces to that really well or putting the pieces with the cellphone clue on the back (Jame 1:5) in the boxes. That way even if they start with the puzzles they have to solve the other puzzles and open the boxes before they can finish it and access the phone. One girl (who has actually studied and memorized the DM) was able to make the leap to the scripture (2 Timothy 3:15) within 5 mins. Her and her group continued to figure out the puzzles though. Also the cell phone code from the footnote held some groups up a bit as they were trying to include the symbols (& and : ) into the phone password. One other note - make sure the hosts are giving leading clues if the kids need help and not giving obvious clues. For instance. "There is a pattern to the pictures that will help you figure out the combinations" as opposed to "Put the pictures in the order they occurred in the NT." Overall I feel it went pretty well.
I've made a virtual escape room for my class's live seminary class this Thursday (I'm an online seminary teacher, so it's business as usual for our class). It's over #mosiah19 and #mosiah20, in case it is helpful for anyone else too. Students have to work together to answer the questions to determine the clues to move through the game (they are a Nephite trying to follow Alma).
Update: I had to edit a glitch in one of the tasks, so that changed the code for Task 5. It is now as follows: pcwsaf. I've updated the PDF to match.For those who are looking for the answer key to the Book of Mormon Virtual Escape Room (#mosiah19 and #mosiah20), I've attached it to this post. It wouldn't let me add it in a comment to the original post, so sorry about that!I hope this helps, and let me know if anyone runs into any difficulties with it! I'm going to be using it for the first time with my class on Thursday, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes.
We did this today. I emailed the escape room link to 3 students before class. I put the class into 3 break out rooms and then the students shared their screens and they could advance at their own speed and they typed things in. Just make sure you fix the settings to allow a non-host to share screen. We had 4 students to a room and it worked great. Everyone participated. When you are in a meeting. On the bottom bar, click the little arrow next to ‘share screen’ . Click ‘advanced sharing options’. Where it says ‘who can share?’ Click the button that says ‘all participants’. It is easiest if the students in charge have a computer, but I had one with an iPad and it worked fine. (If they use an iPad, they need to cut and paste the url to share content.). Everyone else in the room is fine on a phone.
In order to make a copy of this escape room so you can edit it yourself, go to This google form
Hillary made a help video that is hosted on FB.
Hi, everyone! As some of you may have seen, there has been a lot of interest in the #bookofmormonvirtualescaperoom, and I'm so glad people have enjoyed it. I recently created a new one for my #onlineseminary class. We are getting close to the end of our semester, so it probably will be our last one. It goes over #alma5, specifically the last half. I've included a PDF with the script, answer key, and resources. This one is a bit harder than the original, with more puzzles to solve. I'm estimating it will take around 30 minutes, give or take, based on the few people who have gone through it already. Here is the direct link for the Alma 5 Book of Mormon Virtual Escape Room for anyone who would like to use it: https://forms.gle/FzRLy2jzBvm5fL3a8
Update: I thought the words for the crosswords were included in this answer key, but apparently I neglected that. Sorry! I can't change the PDF without making a new post, which I want to avoid, but here are the words for each crossword (no particular order):
Task 1 Crossword: good, God, evil, hearkeneth, follow, shepherd, works, child, voice
Task 4 Crossword: pride, persecution, trample, riches, wickedness, persist, costly, apparel, poor
2nd Update: Some teachers have reported that the jigsaw puzzle for Task 3 gives an error saying the puzzle has been played too many times. If this occurs, you can make your own puzzle using the Puzzel maker link in the PDF. I've included the image in the comments that I made so you can download and use it, but feel free to use your own if you prefer. It is just an image of Alma 5:47-48 in fancy font.
For the posts relating to the escape room, go to
This game takes most of class time.
We did a "Delivery in the Wilderness" Breakout/Escape Room experience today. The students used clues and scriptures from 1 Nephi 1-22 to help them solve the puzzle. I've attached the materials below. The first page has the flow chart and solutions. The game finishes with President Nelsons call to the youth battalion and gathering Isreal. We had a lot of fun!
I just wanted to share something that went well with my class today. We played Doctrinal Mastery Battleship. It might be hard to share because I created it in Adobe Indesign software. Not everyone has that program and you need to be able to add the hit or miss symbols in live time. But I'm sure you could recreate it in other ways. I've attached the photos of what it looked like. It was really great using screen share on zoom.
The board with the blue x's and red o's are the students attempts at 'firing'. The board that shows the ships is what I had printed out in front of me as the kids made their guesses. I also had the ability to show them the ships at the end of the game. But it was hidden while they played. And the last board was the rules of the game. We have a running scoreboard for all the games we play. The top three with the most points at the end of the semester get a treat.
The part that isn't visible is the conversation we had. Everyone took turns taking a 'shot'. Every time there was a 'hit', we scripture chased one of our scriptures from the Book of Mormon. Then we would read the scripture, identify which category from doctrinal mastery it came from (atonement, ASK, etc.) and discuss why that scripture applied to that principle. We had great conversations and it was fun, too.
(As a teacher, I think it's a good game because it creates an opportunity for students that are not 'speedy' at chasing to gain points too. It's kind of luck-of-the-draw on sinking the ships because you have to have it be your turn to sink it and they don't really know what size ship they are hitting when they guess. Really good at leveling the field with overly competitive players.)
Wanted to share, in case you are looking for something good to get the kids engaged.
Q - Awesome! When you scripture chase, do you just call out a random doctrinal mastery from the Book of Mormon or it is associated with the particular hit they got?
A - I do random. I've been focusing on them in groups. So sometimes I have them pre-selected. Your choice.
Q - Is one ship associated with one DM or is a different DM called out when they get a new hit on the ship?
A - Yes, every hit is a different scripture.
From Linda S. - We played this using a different idea from this group and sunk BOM cities. I made a simple grid on Word and shared it. We put in Xs and Os as they chose the squares. I had the cities on the grid the students couldn’t see. It was fun!
Q - How to you hide cities on a grid in word? Or do you just put your cities on a printed grid?
A - I just put the cities in myself [but the students could not see the cities grid. Only the teacher could see the grid. Students could keep track of shots on the shared Word document - Jenny]
These files are not related to the OP, but they are DM battleship files shared in the group from years past:
I tweaked Seminary At Six AM's Battleship game to make it a team activity. I used a rolling chalkboard to place between the two teams. This works well for DM lessons or any question/answer type lessons.
If you're looking for ways to help Seminary students retain Doctrinal Mastery passages, you can use brain science plus a little bit of basketball to get better results. It's March Madness Doctrinal Mastery brackets! It's not fluff -- it's science! Read on to find out how it works.
For those of you unfamiliar with March Madness, here’s a brief explanation. You make a bracket that contains all or most of the doctrinal mastery passages for the year. Students are able to choose or are assigned passages to match against each other. Students describe the meaning of their assigned passage(s) and explain why it is important. Classmates vote on the scripture and the “winner” move up on the bracket. It is most commonly used for doctrinal mastery, however, it can be used as a teaching technique for other passages as well. These scripture brackets always seem to be fun activities that engage students in ways you may find surprising.
But the DM bracket is more than just a fluff activity! It’s a teaching method that uses brain science to help your students remember more of the principles taught in the DM passages. According to the book Brain Rules by John Medina, the key is that brains remember things that are more elaborate -- things that have personal meaning. Many studies have shown that students remember more when they learn meaning versus memorizing by rote. People who think about meaning remember two to three times as much as others who do not. “At this point, you might be saying to yourself, ‘Well, duh!’ Isn’t it obvious that the more meaning something has, the more memorable it becomes? … The trick … for educators, is to present information so compellingly that the audience provides this meaning on their own, spontaneously engaging in deep and elaborate encoding.” (Medina, 136)
For maximum results with the bracket, you will want to block out time over a few days. Perhaps you have playoff, quarterfinal, semifinal, and final matches scheduled over 3-4 days. The reason for spreading this out is, again, brain science. Spaced repetition is key for remembering. Ideally, you’d have some sort of recap, and then begin the next bracket of scriptures.
Another way to maximize results using brain science would be to have students do role-plays where they might use this passage in real life and then vote on Most Likely to Use. We know that similarities between present and past events help us connect memories. If you can create a situation in the classroom that may happen in real life, students can more readily recall the passage, because they’ve already ”lived” it through role-play in your classroom.
I hope you’re taking advantage of the March Madness season to really dig in on your doctrinal mastery, especially if you are a teacher who doesn’t normally use games or other types of activities in your classroom. A DM bracket isn’t mere fluff -- it’s science you can use to teach the gospel.
Q - To make sure I’m understanding this right. Assign each student a DM scripture, make bracket. Two at a time they present their scripture “compete against each other” and the class votes who advances until finally a winner is decided?
By Heidi M: A - exactly correct!
Q - How do you do the voting? Raise of hands? Anonymously? If they win and present again, do they present the same thing?
In my class we vote between the 2, yep. and the person/ scripture that wins presents that same scripture again. our rule is they have to present it in an all new way the next time they're up. It's great for repetition and memorizing the doctrinal mastery scriptures. We vote by raising hands.
Jenny S - [description of BoM bracket] Did our bracket today -- and the winner was . Ether 12:27!
We only did 16 SM passages because we got started late due to the supposed snow (which didn't come). But this was a fun activity. I had kids nominate scriptures, but I decided not to make them defend their own scripture so that it wasn't like "mine lost". Instead we just read them aloud and discussed. The last two brackets went fast, but the first took some time. I used the website http://www.betterbracketmaker.com/ [site no longer works] to make the bracket and post it on the television [through my laptop]. Worked great and was lots of fun, PLUS it really got this kids thinking about what the SM passages were about and talking important doctrines. Thanks for this great idea!
Q - So was this done all in one class? I like that you made it so "their scripture" didn't lose.
A - Yes, we did it all during one class, [it took] about 35 minutes. First I had students read each passage aloud. Discussion. I called for a vote. After the first bracket, we didn't read the scriptures--just used the bookmarks or summarized. Brief discussion. Vote. By the final vote I had them vote silently bc they were getting into it. You could limit the discussion to a few seconds per scripture with a timer if you wanted, but some scriptures were rejected out of hand like "Be ye therefore perfect" got 0 votes because "it doesn't tell you how to be perfect," so that was a fast one.
Note: You can get the book Brain Rules mentioned above at Amazon.